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What is URL? — InformEra

All webpages require URLs as vital components. They let users and search engines find and utilize the resources you have made available online, as their name implies. They are essentially the online addresses of the web pages, pictures, videos, and other resources you have added to your website.

When it comes to allowing search engines to correctly crawl and index your website, the structure of a URL is crucial. Without the appropriate structure, certain areas of your website might not be discoverable by search engines and might not be accessible to users.

Full Form of URL

URL stands for Universal Resource Locator.

Types of URLs

Absolute URLs and relative URLs are the two types of URLs that are permitted on websites. In this article, we’ll examine these two variations, highlighting their differences and describing the purposes for which they’re best suited.

Overview of a URL

Additional details about each component of an HTTP URL for a page are provided below.

http:// or https://

Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the name of this protocol. It informs the browser of the protocol to be used in order to access the data indicated in the domain. The abbreviation “HTTPS” stands for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure,” and it denotes that any data sent over HTTP is secure and encrypted. The colon (:) and two forward slashes (//) separate the protocol from the rest of the URL after the HTTP or HTTPS.


Next, “www” is utilised to designate the material and stands for World Wide Web. This part of the URL can be omitted rather often because it is not necessary. You might still access the Computer Hope website by typing “Computer Hope’s free computer help,” for instance. An essential subpage known as a subdomain can also be used as the address part.

The website’s domain name is “,” as well. The domain suffix, often known as the TLD, is the final part of the domain. It is used to specify the website’s type or location. For instance, the abbreviations “.com” stands for commercial, “.org” for organization, and “.http://co.Uk" for the United Kingdom. Numerous domain suffixes are available. You must register the name with a domain registrar in order to obtain a domain.


The actual web page on the domain you are reading is called url-optimization. The file extension of the web page that denotes an HTML file is the trailing.htm. The following file extensions are also often used on the Internet:.html,.php,.asp,.cgi,.xml,.jpg, and.gif. Similar to the various file types on your computer, each of these file extensions has a unique purpose.

Where is the URL located?

A URL is often found in the address bar or Omnibox at the top of the browser window. The URL is always accessible on laptops and desktop computers unless your browser is being shown in fullscreen mode. Most mobile and tablet browsers only display the domain when the address bar is visible, with the URL disappearing as you scroll down. Scroll up the page if the address bar isn’t visible. If the address bar is simply showing the domain, pressing it displays the complete address.

How to open a URL?

A hyperlink can be clicked to open a URL. For instance, clicking “hyperlink” in this sentence accesses a page that explains what a hyperlink is.

If a URL appears in print (such as an email or magazine) but is not a hyperlink, you can access the page by putting the URL into the address bar of your web browser. It is also possible to copy and paste a URL from an email into the address bar of a web browser.

How can I create my own URL?

You can have your own custom directories that link to your page on several social networking sites like Instagram and e-commerce sites like Etsy. For instance, you can visit the Facebook page for Satik Information at “Satik Information”. However, this URL only refers to a portion of your user profile and is not the whole address.


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