All webpages require URL s as vital components. They let users and search engines find and utilize the resources you have made available online, as their name implies. They are essentially the online addresses of the web pages, pictures, videos, and other resources you have added to your website. When it comes to allowing search engines to correctly crawl and index your website, the structure of a URL is crucial. Without the appropriate structure, certain areas of your website might not be discoverable by search engines and might not be accessible to users. Full Form of URL URL stands for Universal Resource Locator. Types of URLs Absolute URLs and relative URLs are the two types of URLs that are permitted on websites. In this article, we’ll examine these two variations, highlighting their differences and describing the purposes for which they’re best suited. Overview of a URL Additional details about each component of an HTTP URL for a page are provided below. https://satikinformatio
A port in computer hardware acts as a connection point for other computers or peripheral devices. A port is a common phrase used to describe the area of a computer that can connect to peripherals like input and output devices. Computer ports have a wide range of uses and connectors with different designs. Some examples of computer port types are: Serial ports: The most popular applications for these include connecting to mice and modems. Parallel Ports: Printers are the most frequent users of parallel ports . Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Ports: These can allow faster data transmission rates than serial or parallel ports, and they can connect up to seven devices, including hard discs and tape drives, to the same port, including printers. USB Ports: Keyboards , scanners , external hard drives, USB drives (also known as thumb drives or portable USB drives), cameras, iPhones, and many other peripherals and devices can also be connected using universal serial bus (USB)